All things social anxiety.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Does social anxiety get better or worse with age?

02:10 Posted by PerpetualTribulation , , , No comments

I often find myself asking the question, "Does social anxiety get better or worse with age?", or "does social anxiety go away by itself?" and have yet to come to a solid conclusion. Although my gut feeling is that it gets better as we age. As we get older we care less and less about what people think of us, and this seems to take some of the pressure off us in social situations.

Having said that, I've been struggling in some social situations lately, and have found myself wondering if I'm actually getting worse. For me, it's really hard to say, since during my younger years I dealt with SA by plowing alcohol into my system before, during and after every major social event. In other words, I don't have a lot of comparison points. I guess the positive to this is that I'm now putting myself out there more often than I once did, so perhaps I'm just being negative, when in fact this backs up the idea that we do in fact get over SA as we age (albeit not entirely).

Past experiences!

When I sit and dwell on the past it brings up some uncomfortable memories, some which I'd rather forget. For me though, it's the only way to to answer the question.

Since my anxiety is worst when I'm at work I've been trying to remember some of my most embarrassing situations from my work history. One situation particularly comes to mind... A work colleague was leaving, it was her final day. I was finishing work early that day and by 3pm it was time to say my goodbyes - always going to be awkward. Unfortunately, at the time I worked in a cramped office space and there was around 10-12 people in close vicinity. This was like a nightmare scenario to me at the time, a quiet office with lots of people, a non standard social situation and to top it all off I had been dwelling on it since the start of the day. Anyway, I eventually got the courage together to get off my seat and say my goodbyes.

It didn't go well - at all. I started mumbling, blushing and stumbling on my words. At this point I was freaking out, and noticed everyone had their eyes on me. It was so awkward that the whole office had pretty much stopped what they were doing and were listening in. Eventually I just stopped talking and walked out of the office. Nightmare!

Needless, to say I got in that night, went straight to bed and lay there with the quilt over my head. I can almost remember the way I felt that night, and it was pretty bad. Shame, dread, self-disgust. And the worst part was I knew I had to go back into the office the next day and face everyone.

When I compare that experience to how I feel and act at work now - in a similar situation - there is a stark difference. One which I hadn't really acknowledged until I made a conscious decision to sit and make this comparison. I'm still a bit awkward for sure, but not on the same level, and I'm no where near as hard on myself. I'm definitely making progress, and perhaps this is due to aging. Who knows.

One thing I do know though, and I'll make this brief. Alcohol doesn't help with social anxiety. It masks your symptoms for sure. But the charade can only go on for so long, eventually hangovers get too much, or you end up in situations where alcohol is not appropriate.

If you're using alcohol as a crutch right now, my advice is try to stop as soon as possible. You'll end up in more awkward situations, yes, but perhaps you'll eventually learn from them. With alcohol, you certainly will not. I'm basing all of this on anecdotal evidence of course, so take from it what you will.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Coffee and Social anxiety - A mix from hell... or is it?

12:18 Posted by PerpetualTribulation , , No comments

Coffee and Social anxiety don't mix - at all (At least in my experience anyway). For a coffee lover, this is the mother of all problems... and trust me I am a coffee lover. Luckily, I'm also a programmer, so my natural instinct when encountering a problem is to solve it. One way or another.

One thing I've learned over the years though, is that when it comes to SA, problems are rarely solved easily... but it's still worth a  shot, right? Of course it is, were talking about coffee here.

Solitude (a familiar old friend.)

The most obvious (and shitty) solution is to drink coffee when we're alone, and only when we're alone. Not ideal, but at least we can still enjoy a hot brew. I guess for some this works, but I want the benefits of caffiene when I'm working - that additional focus is a godsend for us office workers! Well it is until the buzz runs out, and the anxiety kicks in anyway.


Another solution is to drink decaf. One problem with this approach, its decaffinated (not to mention the taste). Nothing more to say!


If you've not heard of L-Theanine, it's an amino-acid known to be found in green tea. L-theanine is thought to have anxiolotic properties, and when used with coffee is believed to reduce the anxiety that often accompanies the caffeine buzz. In fact, it's actually thought to synergise with caffiene, producing an enhanced affect.

Now, as a social anxiety sufferer, I rarely need an excuse to take an anxiolotic in the first place. If it's going to make caffiene better, aswell as reducing the associated anxiety, you better believe I'm on board!

My Experiences

I recently bought 100g of L-Theanine and I'm currently experimenting with it. I'm easing myself in slowly, but so far the results seem good.

As mentioned earlier, when I drink coffee I suffer from additional anxiety. I also crash pretty hard and feel jittery for a little while afterwards. What I've noticed for sure at this point is that I no longer feel jittery after the caffeine buzz runs out when using L-Theanine.

I've been putting around 200mg into each cup I drink, just so you're aware. This appears to be the recommended amount.

Ok - so the jitters are gone. But what about social anxiety? Well, as I said I am easing myself in slowly. Thus far I've drank a coffee before walking into town. This is something that only causes mild anxiety for me normally so I thought it would be a good place to start. After a coffee I'd normally expect to feel more on edge, but with L-theanine, I did not. It's anecdotal at best, but it appears to me that L-Theanine does help.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to experiment further - I guess the moment of truth will be drinking coffee at work... the place of no  escape! I'll be sure to add further updates when I've experiemented further.

Where to get it

If you're tempted to try L-theanine, be careful where you get it from. It's worth having a search around to find trustworthy sources - try getting other peoples opinions from social websites, such as reddit. I was able to find what seems to be a good product doing just that.

I'll not post a link... I don't want to look like a L-theanine salesman here! Having said that, if you want to  drop me a message, I'm more than happy to share it with you.